Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Year... Of Living Dangerously

2011 has been a year of taking risks.

I started the year by publishing a book on Indian organizations that is not exactly a feel good tale that CEOs are going to recommend to their managers. I know for a fact that I lost one sturdy client I have had for years because of writing this book. But never mind...writing the book was a great joy last year and looks like it is giving as much joy to the readers from the feedback that I keep receiving. And reading the book has made some of my friends as brave if not more. One of them decided to tell her boss exactly what she thought of her before quitting the organization. But she was also smart enough to build a case and ensure that she got paid her bonus for the previous year that the organization was trying hard to slime out of paying her. Now that’s enterprise.

Next I went for a back breaking trek for which I had hardly prepared myself for and managed to live to write about it...besides building enduring friendships with some of the others who were with me that I suspect would last a lifetime.

Then I was asked to act in a play as a demented academic and I jumped at the offer. Forget the acting, I managed to remember all my lines on stage, although most of them I had to read out from a script.

Lately I have developed a new workshop module on the art of telling stories in organizations. I have discovered most managers have a story they want to tell...provided if you are willing to listen to them.

My publishers tell me that they have planned to bring out my latest work of fiction, a murder mystery in December and that means I end the year as I had started it...with a book.

Thank you 2011, you have been good to me.

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